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Welcome to my shop! If you are looking for high-quality resources to support your teaching on RMPS topics, this is the place for you! The quality of these teaching materials has been acknowledged in all of the schools I have worked in, has been cited by HMIe Inspectors, and has been recommended by the TES Resource Team. Please consider following me to be the first to find out about my new resources (free and paid) as I publish them.




Welcome to my shop! If you are looking for high-quality resources to support your teaching on RMPS topics, this is the place for you! The quality of these teaching materials has been acknowledged in all of the schools I have worked in, has been cited by HMIe Inspectors, and has been recommended by the TES Resource Team. Please consider following me to be the first to find out about my new resources (free and paid) as I publish them.
Sanctity of life

Sanctity of life

This lesson meets the standards of the new Higher RMPS exam (valid from August 2016) and of OCR’s A-level in Religious Studies (H573/02, valid from 2016) and it is designed to last 1-2 periods. ‘Sanctity of life’ is the starting point in a series of resources addressing the application of ethical theory to contemporary issues of importance. Teaching Medical Ethics has never been more exciting than nowadays when unprecedented advances are made in the area of biomedical technology and when, more and more, people face very difficult ethical questions as a result. Learning intentions The lesson was designed so that most pupils will be able: ✶ to explain the key words: ‘ethics’, ‘sacred’, ‘sanctity’ and ‘quality of life’; ✶ to identify the grounds of the sanctity of life from a Christian point of view; ✶ to evaluate the moral implications of the sanctity of life. There is a mixture of engaging and attractive activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students: entrance and exit tickets; brainstorming; working out definitions; think, pair, share; watching video clips and discussing them. Pupils are also encouraged to debate, to express their own opinions and to think more deeply about this topic. I have included a sample of pupils’ feedback which was very positive. A flipchart with interactive activities complements the PowerPoint presentation. All activities are clearly linked to success criteria. This resource can be used in conjunction with ‘Sanctity of life’ mind map (available here) which help students to review information effectively and quickly. *************************************************************************** This resource contains: ✶ Cover ✶ Preview ✶ Feedback from pupils ✶ Teacher notes ✶ PowerPoint Presentation (fully editable and with animation) ✶ Flipchart Interactive Activities ✶ Worksheets ✶ TOU/Credits PAGE COUNT: 43 *************************************************************************** Related Resources All Higher and A-level resources
The Buddha's life

The Buddha's life

TThis lesson meets the standards of the new Higher RMPS exam (valid from August 2016) and it is designed to last 1-2 periods. It encourages pupils to identify 2 – 3 facts about the life of the Buddha and to explain the key word: “enlightenment”. The resource contains a PowerPoint to give structure to the lesson and provide a visual aid when needed, a flip chart with activities for the pupils, the lesson plan and four worksheets. There is also a video-clip incorporated in the lesson to make it more relevant and up-to-date. The principles and strategies of formative assessment are embedded in the lesson (for example, the self-evaluation activity allows for profound reflection on learning and helps the pupils to take more responsibility for their own learning). The resource ensures pace and challenge for learners of different ability levels in order to promote the highest possible achievement for all (for example, the ‘Reading to Write and Learn’ approach used in this lesson is inclusive of all learners and prepares them to read the text with understanding).
Sanctity of life - revision

Sanctity of life - revision

‘Sanctity of life - religious views’ for the new Higher exam is organised and summarised in this comprehensive mind map. It includes information about the grounds of the sanctity of life, the moral implications of it and explains the most important key words. This mind map can help students to review information effectively and quickly, and to see how facts relate to one another and thus, to be able to answer any analysis or evaluation question based on the Sanctity of life. It can also be printed off, laminated and displayed.
The Three Jewels

The Three Jewels

7 Resources
SAVE 50% BY PURCHASING THE BUNDLE! This bundle includes the presentations, lessons plan, flipcharts, activities and revisions for the Three Jewels.
Buddhist beliefs

Buddhist beliefs

9 Resources
SAVE 50% BY PURCHASING THE BUNDLE! This bundle is a complete pack for Buddhist beliefs, containing PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, worksheets, flipcharts and mind maps for Samsara, Kamma, Nibbana, The Three Jewels, The Buddha and The Dhamma. The materials are suitable for Higher RMPS.
Higher Buddhism

Higher Buddhism

19 Resources
SAVE 50% BY PURCHASING THE BUNDLE! This bundle is an excellent pack for Higher Buddhism, containing PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, worksheets, flipcharts and mind maps for the content required for the new Higher. More to follow soon - all updates will be free!